Monday, October 5, 2009

Why is that when women cut their hair short they say they feel empowered and free?

They mean that they don't feel bound by the rules of beauty that too many women and men still impose on each other. A woman with short hair is against most traditional norms and that's why they feel as though they are beyond the influence of the dominant societal position in that area. Gender roles are crap anyway. Whenever u feel like u are doing something because it's the "right" thing for a man or woman to do then u should reevaluate.

Why is that when women cut their hair short they say they feel empowered and free?

i dont have any idea.. maybe they feel the wind in the neck? lol

Why is that when women cut their hair short they say they feel empowered and free?

perhaps it makes them feel like a man, dog

Why is that when women cut their hair short they say they feel empowered and free?

Cos theyre Lezzas

Why is that when women cut their hair short they say they feel empowered and free?

Because all that hair is weighing down their head.

Why is that when women cut their hair short they say they feel empowered and free?

Because Old Abe freed you!

Why is that when women cut their hair short they say they feel empowered and free?

The weight of the hair is dragging them down and preventing them from doing what they want to do. When they cut it off they are free and in control to do as they please!!

Why is that when women cut their hair short they say they feel empowered and free?

A false sense of temporary control, they are "going against the norm" and it makes them feel stronger. Just a sure sign of insecurity, afraid of getting lost in the pack I think. Your empowerment should come from within! Not from what others see or tell you.

Why is that when women cut their hair short they say they feel empowered and free?

They have weight lifted off because their hair is lighter now.

Why is that when women cut their hair short they say they feel empowered and free?

have you ever heard the saying "long hair takes away your strength"

mine is long ,getting it cut soon ,i'll let you know

Why is that when women cut their hair short they say they feel empowered and free?

Long hair has been a traditionally feminine thing for many generations. So cutting that hair to a more utilitarian hairstyle (meaning, easier to manage and less likely to get in the way so that you can do some real work) can be empowering. This was especially true back in the early 20th century. In the 20's, bobbing your hair was the 'in' thing to do, b/c many men at the time would not let their wifes and daughters cut their hair.

Why is that when women cut their hair short they say they feel empowered and free?

Im thinkin that when women have shorter hair it more managable and it looks more sophisticated! I let my hair grow til it gets to my shoulders then once i get there i get it all cut off again because its still a drastic change and it feels GREAT!@

Why is that when women cut their hair short they say they feel empowered and free?

becoz they do..

i recently cut my hair to boy-cut length..

and i felt like a large burden on my head is gone..

sure, i miss my long hair but temporarily, i'm enjoying the freedom of not maintaining the hair as much as i used to..


Why is that when women cut their hair short they say they feel empowered and free?

I have no idea I cut my super long hair for Lock of Love and even though it was for a wonderful cause I felt no empowerment whatsoever. I cant wait for it to grow back!!!!

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